capsule wardrobe · inspiration · jeans · wardrobe architect · winter

Wardrobe Architect Post 2

The more I do these wardrobe architect posts, oddly, the more I wonder about posting them on my blog, because although I would have said that these posts are ‘just’ about clothes, the more I’m starting to realise that my feelings about what I choose to wear, and how I feel in certain clothes, can… Continue reading Wardrobe Architect Post 2

capsule wardrobe · declutter · inspiration · jeans · new year · project

Operation: Capsule Wardrobe

SourceThis is not exactly what I think my wardrobe will look like,by the way, it’s just a representative illustration! Do you ever find that sometimes, you can sit and ruminate for a while over something, turning it over in your head, and then as you come to a conclusion about it, you find that other… Continue reading Operation: Capsule Wardrobe